Terms and Conditions

Legal Notice

In accordance with article 6 de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, users of the https://wplingua.com/ website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring:

Site owner: Julien JACOB & Lycia Diaz

Contact: contact@wplingua.com

Address: Cayenne, French Guiana.

Company identification: Julien JACOB – Siret 88906222000013 – Cayenne, French Guiana

Publication manager: Lycia Diaz – contact@wplingua.com.

Host: Hosterra 122 rue de Londres, 59420 Mouvaux, France RCS 919 565 978

DPO API: Julien JACOB – contact@wplingua.com

DPO Website: Lycia Diaz – contact@wplingua.com


wpLingua is a plugin that is installed on a website created with WordPress. It is an automatic translation service that allows you to translate websites.

Please carefully read, review and ensure you understand our Terms of Use before using our wpLingua machine translation service. Any use of our service, our translation API, our plugin or even use of this website indicates that you unconditionally agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms, you must leave this website immediately and not use our service.

WordPress Plugin

wpLingua grants you a non-exclusive license to use our product. You have the right to download, install and use the plugin on an unlimited number of websites. You can download the plugin as often as you need.

This plugin is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

General Disclaimer

We do our best to ensure that the information on our website wplingua.com is accurate, but we cannot guarantee it.

We may update our API, plugin and these Terms of Use at any time, without notice.

When we mention products or services of other companies, it is for informational purposes only. This does not mean that we endorse or recommend them.

Neither wplingua.com nor our possible suppliers will be responsible for indirect damages or losses. This includes lost profits, costs of obtaining replacement goods, loss or damage of data, or any other matter arising out of the use (or inability to use) our website, the wpLingua API or the wpLingua plugin. This applies even if we were aware that such damage could occur.

Personal information collected by wpLingua

To use our machine translation service, you must enter the website URL and your email address to receive the API key. This allows you to connect the plugin to our translation API.

We also collect other non-personally identifiable data such as your IP address, for the sole and possible purpose of revoking your API key in the event that you violate these Terms of Use.

None of your personal data is shared or disclosed to third parties.

Prohibitions and service limitations.

The following points apply to all services provided by wpLingua:

Prohibited Content

It is strictly prohibited to use our wpLingua service to translate, distribute, promote or support the following types of content:

  • Any content that promotes hatred or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability.
  • Content advocating terrorist or extremist activities.
  • Content that incites violence, war or any form of illegal or harmful behavior.
  • Any other form of content that is illegal under applicable laws.

Right to Refusal and Suspension

We reserve the right to refuse or suspend access to our service to anyone, for any reason, at any time, without notice. This may be the case for users whose activities are considered to be in violation of this policy or any applicable law.

User Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each user to ensure that content submitted for translation complies with this policy and all applicable laws. Users are responsible for the legal consequences of violating these rules.

Policy Changes

wpLingua reserves the right to modify this policy at any time. Changes will be effective immediately after they are posted on our website.

We encourage you to use our wpLingua service responsibly and with respect for the rights and dignity of all.

Commercial websites

Our plugin and access to the API are free for non-commercial sites :

  • blogs,
  • non-profit association sites,
  • websites not promoting a commercial activity,
  • etc.

If you do not meet this criterion, we have the right to limit, deny or revoke access to our API at any time.

Unreasonable use

wpLingua offers the possibility of translating a WordPress site into a predefined language for free and automatically without word limit. As our server resources are not inexhaustible, any abnormal, abusive or unreasonable use may result in service limitations or revocation of access to the translation API.


wpLingua hosts its API on French servers (Hosterra 122 rue de Londres, 59420 Mouvaux, France). This API allows you to translate text into one or more languages, stores the site name, email address and activated features. The WordPress plugin installed on your website communicates with our API. You remain the owner of your translations which are stored directly in your server’s database. The wpLingua API offers machine translations based on the services of third-party Machine Translation providers. These third-party services communicate only with the wpLingua API (and not with the plugin installed on your site) and are used when a user requests an initial automatic text translation. All HTML text elements present on the site pages can be transmitted. By using our API, you consent to your translations being processed by a third-party service at wpLingua.

Access to additional languages

Our wpLingua service offers to translate your website into the language of your choice. If you would like to benefit from additional languages, please contact us using this form.

Contact Information

Questions about the Terms of Service should be sent to us from our contact form.
