How to install wpLingua plugin?

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In a few clicks, your website will be multilingual. If you need help installing the plugin, here is the procedure…

You may also need to consult our wpLingua settings guide.

1 – Check the language of your website

Before going any further, we advise you to check that the language of your website corresponds to the language of your content.

To do this, go to the Settings > General tab to check if the site language is correctly set.

This is very important for the future, because wpLingua will automatically detect this language and you will no longer be able to change it in the plugin settings.

2 – Install wpLingua

It is possible to install wpLingua in two ways: directly from your site’s backoffice or manually.

2.1 – Install wpLingua from the site administration

This is the easiest way to install a plugin on your WordPress site. This is also the one we recommend.

  1. Go to the Add New Plugin tab
  2. Search for wpLingua in the dedicated field
  3. Click on Install Now button
  4. Click on Activate button
  5. When the plugin is installed, you will see a notification appear that tells you that configuring the plugin is necessary for it to work. You can click on the link which takes you to the settings page.

2.2 Install wpLingua manually

If you prefer to install the plugin manually, you must first download wpLingua plugin to your computer. To do this, go to the official wpLingua page on the WordPress plugins directory, then click on the Download button.

Now that you have the wpLingua plugin on your computer, you will be able to install it as follows:

  1. Go to the Add New Plugin tab.
  2. Click on Upload Plugin.
  3. Browse your computer and select the zipped folder – called – of the previously downloaded plugin.
  4. Click on Install Now to import the plugin.
  5. Click on Activate.

3 – Setting up wpLingua

Now that wpLingua is installed and activated on your site, you are just a few simple steps away from making your site multilingual!

We invite you to consult the documentation page which explains how to configure wpLingua.

4 – Support and Further Information

Do not hesitate to consult our documentation to go further. Contact support if you encounter any issues or have any questions.
